
Will I Need a Dental Crown After a Root Canal?

Dental crowns are a great restoration option used both on their own and in conjunction with other procedures such as root canals and dental implant placements. They are often recommended after a root canal procedure is complete, however, it is not … Continued

Dental Checkup for Damaged Tooth Pulp

You might need to have a dental checkup to see if you need a root canal if the pulp gets damaged.

Why Is a Dental Filling Considered a Direct Dental Restoration?

Wondering why a dental fillings is also known as a direct dental restoration? There are both direct and indirect restoration options available, with each option addressing a particular dental problem. Examples of indirect options include dental crowns, dental bridges, dental … Continued

3 Gum Disease Prevention Tips

Understanding what gum disease is, as well as how it can be prevented, is something every dental patient needs to do so they are not diagnosed with this all-too-common dental disease. Every time a patient goes to a dental appointment, … Continued

Can an Implant Crown Be Replaced?

Want to replace your implant crown? The difference between an implant crown and a dental crown is that implant crowns are placed over a dental implant that has been surgically inserted into a patient's jawbone due to a missing tooth, … Continued

When a Dental Bridge Is Recommended

If you are seeking tooth replacement options, a dental bridge can often be the treatment suggested by a dentist. There are many benefits that come with using a dental bridge to replace one or more missing teeth. Replacing a lost … Continued

Teeth Care: How Often Should I See a Dentist for a Dental Cleaning?

Dental cleanings are one of the most important appointments to have on a regular basis. Most people visit their general dentist office for their cleanings because they often line up with their checkup appointments. A general dentist’s office is typically … Continued

Dental Bonding Can Repair the Look of Teeth

Dr. Mohammed H. Hassan, DMD | Composite bonding can be used to address a variety of issues that affect your teeth; you get immediate results.

What to Expect During an Exam from a General Dentist

A general dentist would typically advise their patients to visit the dental office every six months for an examination. It allows the dentist to monitor the patient's oral health. Also, the exam helps them check whether previous oral issues are … Continued

Am I Overdue for a Dental Cleaning?

A dental cleaning is a vital part of maintaining good oral health. Nonetheless, many individuals still skip their dental cleanings due to a busy schedule or feeling confident that oral hygiene is under control. At-home oral hygiene is a great … Continued